Wednesday, January 27, 2010

so um yeah, about that....

AH, totally even forgot about thinking about dieting, haha.
Been working on my room, getting over a sinus infection, and starting a new semester, busy busy!

things are calming down however, and we're starting to make more 'meals' at home, instead of grabbing something quick and running around like crazy.
another thing that should help me is the fact that i'm BROKE. no way i can grab some taco bell when i have no money...
OH, and since my room is done, i can work out if i want, without having everyone watching me, which is super awkward.

i'm brainstorming, don't mind me...

PB and J rocks, and i got wheat bread. bam.
wraps are also a good idea, we have those.
i got english muffins for pizzas again =]
bananas. pears. apples.
actual dinnners, yay!

NO SODA! gah. water, and sugary juices are better than that! lol

eggs and pb. woot. cereal in the AM. trix arent just for kids <3

exercise? oh yea.
tension band
Tae Bo
hm...that's 5 days....i like it.

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