Wednesday, January 27, 2010

so um yeah, about that....

AH, totally even forgot about thinking about dieting, haha.
Been working on my room, getting over a sinus infection, and starting a new semester, busy busy!

things are calming down however, and we're starting to make more 'meals' at home, instead of grabbing something quick and running around like crazy.
another thing that should help me is the fact that i'm BROKE. no way i can grab some taco bell when i have no money...
OH, and since my room is done, i can work out if i want, without having everyone watching me, which is super awkward.

i'm brainstorming, don't mind me...

PB and J rocks, and i got wheat bread. bam.
wraps are also a good idea, we have those.
i got english muffins for pizzas again =]
bananas. pears. apples.
actual dinnners, yay!

NO SODA! gah. water, and sugary juices are better than that! lol

eggs and pb. woot. cereal in the AM. trix arent just for kids <3

exercise? oh yea.
tension band
Tae Bo
hm...that's 5 days....i like it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

weight loss...yea right

so, im bloated and pmsing and feel like shit. OH. right, i'm pmsing, maybe i should apologize to the boyfriend...

needless to say bloating=weight gain. poo.

and i had pizza hut today, YUM!
i was however proud of myself for not buying the donuts and oreos i had in my cart =]
little steps, little steps.

and with the self's tip a day- eat veggies (nope sorry) eat fish (yuck)
so i'm deff not doing so well with that...the blogging may be helping though.

i really need to lay off the soda.

Monday, January 11, 2010

maybe not as good as i thought.

I missed two days. they were two busy days though! we're remodeling my room, amongst going to church and visiting friends/family.

the milk tip-had OJ instead, we were out of milk.
taking time to eat? yep. well, sort of. lunch and dinner were enjoyed slowly, breakfast was in the car on the way to church, maybe i'll work on that tip more today.

i'm not going to keep track of all i eat, it is way too much work to write it down, i will however keep a conscious idea of what i've eaten, make smarter choices... i really need to cut back on soda/eating out at restaurants.

hopefully more later =]

Friday, January 8, 2010

Food diary/ weight loss, take 2

so i'm actually suffering back pain and too small bras because of this stupid holiday weight gain/pms bloating. fml. so we're gunna follow self's plan to lose a dress size in a month, along with some random other tips i've picked up and see what i can do. i need to do this for my health at this point, so may as well start now. plus i miss my blogging of early high school haha.

so today i had
2 slices of tonys pepperoni pizza,
2 brownies
slice of cracker barrel cheese
chicken taquitos
ham steak and mashed potatoes.

oh and lets not forget
2 mtn dews

so lets see...limit sweets, 100% fruit juice and water, drink instead of eat when bored should help a bit...

oh and the big one...move. exercise. get the blood flowing. ya know, the stuff i don't do.
so let's see what i can do, all by myself, to show everyone i am capable of doing things.
weight is b/w 165 and 170 now...
aiming for 130 where BMI is considered
happy weight is 132-138
111-150 is an ideal weight range.

so i HAVE to lose 15 pounds.
and i WANT to lose 30.

let's get that 15 first.