Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

i'm going to start out saying i'm thankful we live in a country where we have free speech.
not so thankful that this right gives people the ability to protest at military funerals about how God hates america because we support gays and that is why these military people are dieing. SAY WHAT?!?!

ick. anyhow.

i'm thankful for my husband, my pets, my calmed down life.
i applied for a full time job to day. a bit scared, but hopeful!!! =]

i'm thankful most of all for a loving God that cares for me, and only wants the best for me in all that i do.

Thank you Jesus.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Recap, and Weigh Down Wednesday!!!

I withdrew from school last week. It felt wonderful. This break is needed. I plan on going back by the end of the year, maybe sooner. I'll be going to an online school.

Zumba has been awesome. Only one more week though =[ I think i'll buy the Wii game.

Had a night of fellowship with the ladies last week, only watched a movie, no chit chat. A bit disappointed, but the video was great. It's wonderful to be able to hang out and have it cost nothing at all. =]

I'm trying to figure out what to do about work. I will be changing my availability, but I don't know if i want it to be open or not.

anyways. WeighDownWednesday!!!!

Starting over a year ago, I have been on a constant journey with God about my food issues. I don't classify myself as an emotional eater, a binge eater, and certainly no eating disorders. HOWEVER. I eat. I eat a lot. It tastes good, gives me something to do with my hands, and mmmm, it's just so easy to go grab something yummy and eat it.

But that doesn't help me live a healthy life. That doesn't make me feel good about myself. That's not benefiting me in any way. So i'm trying to watch what i eat. I'm not going crazy, but if I am not hungry, THEN WHY AM I EATING FOOD?!?!?!?!?! ick. it seems so simple. it should be simple. BUT, it is not.

So i'm Weighing Down. and I'm talking about it on WEDNESDAYS. I'm at 160 today. if you look down through my old blog posts, you will see I'd like to be around 130. (Wouldn't it be nice....)

So I haven't done to good with the am i hungry thing the past few days. But i'm trying. its a daily struggle. But with God's help, I can do it. and that's enough for me. =]

It's quite simple. I eat when i'm hungry, i stop when i'm full, i eat foods that are beneficial to me. I can eat anything, anytime. But i'm choosing not to.

Back tomorrow for some Thankful Thursdays =]